Madeleine Luise Arena Yoga Teacher Eating Disorder Recovery

hi! it’s so nice to meet you.

i’m an eating-disorder survivor and recovering perfectionist turned yoga teacher. i believe in the power of cultivating self-acceptance, balance and contentment through the practices of yoga.

how it all started

for a long time, I felt enslaved to an always-active mind, strong emotions & expectations I believed I had to live up to. this lead down a dark road of emotional rollercoasters, indecision, perfectionism, people-pleasing and ultimately anorexia, bulimia and a bodymind that was utterly exhausted and broken. after 10 years of this vicious, destructive cycle I started working with an online eating-disorder recovery coaching program–my first steps on the journey towards full recovery.

it was on this path that I found the yoga practice: for the first time in my life, I felt I could move my body without focusing on calories or miles or pounds, but rather on my breath, my mind and how my body feels, learning to listen and honour, rather than punish and abuse.

how it’s going now

after feeling so deeply touched by the practice and its teachings, i am now a certified yoga teacher (500h RYT). i have healed my relationship to food, my body and my Self, and feel more joyful, content and free than i ever have before. the practices and philosophies of yoga have provided me with tools for self-transformation and healing, both inside and out. they have shown me the power of cultivating awareness and knowing myself, and given me the ability to remain balanced and calm within, even amidst the turbulences of life.

the mission

as your teacher, my mission is to offer you the knowledge and practices to begin forming a better relationship to yourself, and the world around you.

i will help you create awareness of your body, mind and soul, and guide you to a deeper connection with them.

i will teach you how to mindfully self-reflect, and meet whatever you find with loving self-compassion.

i will show you how to harness the tools of yoga to experience a felt sense of presence and well-being, and enable you to face life’s inevitable changes from a foundation of steadfast, unwavering equanimity, contentment & joy.

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